From success
SUCCESS is a Scientific Group of French labs formed to promote SUper-Computing for the modeling of Combustion, mixing and complex fluids in rEal SyStems.
- Distribute the AVBP and YALES2 HPC codes for CFD in complex geometries
- Ensure the training of users
- Manage the developments
- Share databases of high-resolution simulations
- Promote super-computing CFD
Technical meetings
- 1st technical meeting, 2012/03/30, at IMFT, Toulouse
- 2nd technical meeting, 2013/03/28, at IFP-EN, Rueil-Malmaison
- 3rd technical meeting, 2014/03/26, at EM2C, Chatenay-Malabry
- 4th technical meeting, 2015/03/19 at CERFACS, Toulouse
- 5th technical meeting, 2016/03/16 at IFP-EN, Rueil-Malmaison
- 6th technical meeting, 2017/03/28, at EM2C, Chatenay-Malabry
- 7th technical meeting, 2018/03/28, at CERFACS, Toulouse
- Intermediate technical meeting, 2018/11/08, via visioconferencing
Extreme CFD workshop
- 1st extreme CFD workshop, 2017/07/17, at ENSHEEIT, Toulouse
- 2nd extreme CFD workshop, 2019/01/28, at CERFACS, Toulouse