From success
Peer-reviewed international journals
- Template:Caps (2013) Large-eddy simulation and conjugate heat transfer around a low-mach turbine blade. J. Turbomach., 136 (5), 1-11.
- Template:Smallcaps (2013) Compressible and low mach number les of a swirl experimental burner. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 341 (1-2), 277-287, [1].
- Template:Smallcaps (2013) Optimization of the deflated conjugate gradient algorithm for the solving of elliptic equations on massively parallel machines. J. Comp. Physics, 238, 32-47, [2].
- Template:Smallcaps (2011) Design of a massively parallel cfd code for complex geometries. Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 339 (2-3), 141-148, [3].
- Template:Smallcaps (2011) From large-eddy simulation to direct numerical simulation of a lean premixed swirl flame: Filtered laminar flame-pdf modelling. Comb. and Flame, 158, 1340-1357, [4].